Classroom Party Games That
Your Students Will Love!!

The classroom party games that I describe here can be played at Birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, and at any many more classroom party occasions.

Along with the food, party games will make or break your classroom party.

Some games and ideas were ones that I created and some came from my colleagues.

Here are a few of my favorites.

The Donut Game

My students loved this game - The day of the party, I would buy a couple of dozen donuts (depending on how may students in my class). Ask the students their favourite kinds and please be aware of any allergies.

Divide the students into groups of 3 and give each group a 3-4 foot long piece of strong string/butcher cord.

While two students hold each end of the string, the third student places a donut through the string and with hands behind his/her back, tries to take a bite of it, as the other two students slide the donut from one end to the other by moving the string gently.

Make sure that the student doesn't get too frustrated.

Once the student takes a bite he/she switches places and the next student gets a chance and the game continues. TONS OF FUN.

The Pudding Game

One of my colleagues always played this game and it was one of my kids' favorite classroom party games. (Again, check for allergies before preparing for this one).

Make small batches of pudding in bowls and in groups of 3 or 4 at a time have contests to see who can finish off their bowl first. Of course students must keep their hands behind their back but they can sit or stand while eating their pudding.

Have lots of paper towels on hand because it could get messy, but OH what great fun!

The Cupcake Contest

Each student gets a plain cupcake (bought or made)and tries to create a holiday (Christmas/Valentine/Easter/Halloween) type of cupcake using different toppings (such as frosting, raisins, chocolate or strawberry syrup, licorice, smarties, sprinkles, etc.) that you provide.

The students vote for the best one(s)and classroom awards can be given out. They also get to eat them afterward. You should participate as well.

Musical Freeze Tag

My students brought in CDs and we played music throughout the party. Some of my students always wanted to be the DJ.

At some point during the party, we played Musical Freeze Tag. The DJ would play the music as the students and I walked around. At the DJ's discretion, he stopped the music and with the help of a student judge, they would eliminate anyone who moved after the music stopped.

Then the music and the game continued until only one person was left. We played several times - the students enjoyed it so much!

Still hungry for more? Check out these printable Halloween classroom activities and games.

Includes puzzles, mazes, Halloween games, math worksheets, coloring pages and much more. You and your students will love them!!

Classroom party games are great for team building and student motivation in the classroom!!

Don't try to play all these games at the same party. You won't have time and you'll be rushing through them. Keep something new for the next party.

The main thing is to have fun and enjoy your students!!

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