The "goals of quality education" is what I want to talk about in this month's newsletter.

Can you believe that you have already taught one month - unbelievable! Only 9 more to go!

Your programme is hopefully running more smoothly and you are looking forward to the fun month, October - with Halloween being at the end of the month. Please check out some of my pages such as Halloween classroom activities to get ideas that you can use with your students during this crazy month of October.

IN the next several newsletters< I'm going to feature, "Mastering the Craft of Teaching" with ideas, suggestions and motivating tips - "Food for thought".

Now on to this month's focus - goals of quality education.

There are 3 important goals of quality education: to meet today's needs, to meet tomorrow's needs and to enrich life. But you may ask - " How do I use this to become an effective motivator?"

1. The first of the 3 goals of quality education must show instant benefits and for good reason. Your students must be able to handle success daily (today). For example, they have to complete the day's assignment or they won't be able to understand tomorrow's lesson.

You start the new year fresh and take your students as far as they can go and not " You should have learned this last year." You must gear for success today.

2. The second of the 3 goals of quality education is to prepare your students for their future. For instance, the lessons you taught in a particular unit will help your students pass that test in the future.

Your aim is to help your students be successful because people are motivated by success not failure.

3. The third of the 3 goals of quality education should enrich life. That involves the development of the whole child. That's why I always encourage my students to participate in extra curricular activities whether in school, e.g. volleyball, folk dancing, or outside school, e.g. swimming lessons, hockey. These are all learning opportunities that enrich their lives.

Other ways to become an effective motivator is for you to be enthusiastic about your teaching. Let your students know that you like/love being in the class with them.

Let them know that you can solve problems calmly and in a clear and understanding manner, with empathy and care. You will be viewed as a role model, a mentor, so you need to act on that.

Use all your teaching strategies to make the best out of today for your students so that tomorrow has a better chance of taking care of itself.

Motivational Tips

A. Motivating your students academically thrives on encouragement, inspiration and accomplishment. That's why you must constantly generate enthusiasm for learning and achievement together.

You must believe that everyone can finish their assignment, then exhibit interest in their progress and finally display moral support which is crucial for present and future motivational efforts.

B. When you ask a question to the class, never say the student's name first. Use the "no name" approach which allows everyone to think of an answer.Otherwise, stating the student's name first, stops the rest of the students from thinking.

To motivate - ask the question, pause briefly and then say a student's name.

C. Be proud of what your students have achieved, because when they succeed, so do you. Remember the teacher (you) + your students = a partnership for success in your classroom>

One motivational tool is to celebrate and take part in student achievement. You will see that you will become a better motivator and a much happier teacher.

Albert Camus states "Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all in the present."

Have a great month everyone - Happy Halloween.

Happy trails,


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